
What is a Registered Marriage and Family Therapist?

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A Registered Marriage and Family Therapist is a highly trained therapist who specializes in treating   problems in the context  of couple or family relationships.

In Canada, clinical members of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT), are automatically members of the Registry of Marriage and Family Therapists  in  Canada  Inc.  Members of this registry may call themselves a Registered Marriage and Family Therapist and use the initials RMFT after   their   name.

How is a RMFT educated and trained?

Marriage and family therapy is a distinct professional discipline. Qualified RMFT’s have a Master’s or Doctoral degree in marriage and family therapy or in another mental health discipline with equivalent coursework in marriage and family therapy.

To achieve clinical membership in AAMFT and be a member  of  the Canadian Registry, therapists must have at least two years professional work experience, after completion of their Master’s or Doctoral  degree and at least 1000 hours of direct service, supervised by an AAMFT approved  supervisor.

AAMFT clinical members also commit to a rigorous code of ethics. This code has the highest  ethical standards in the marriage and family therapy profession.